Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wow, my bad, sir(s)

Through a Combination of Pizza, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Soul Calibur 3. I have not been keeping up to date with my incessant rantings and pointless yapping of my opinions. But, I'm happy to say that it has come to an end. I'm here to post at the very least this blog and hopefully several others to catch up with the whole not posting thing.

All I have to do is think of a topic......hmmmm....Any moment now.....

(about Eight Hours later)
I GOT IT! What ever happened to GlamRock? The dolled up pretty white kids in thrashed clothing. Barely able to play the instruments they bought from a pawn shop or were given by a friend. They certainly wouldn't buy them themselves. Money was strictly saved for Clothing, Booze and normally if not exclusively, illegal drugs.

Don't get me wrong, I adore Glam Rock. I simply miss the simplistic and angsty views of the Glam Band. Wearing Makeup and clothes that are always associated with being a 'rockstar' or possibly just going in Drag. Yep those were good times.

Now we just have Buckcherry, Crashdiet, Motley Crue. Maybe a few others I havent really looked to see if like Poison and Great White are still playing. They never seem to get a whole lot of respect.

My thoughts as to why this is, are that the world is fashion obsessed as well as hypocritical. So, when they see a bunch of fashion obsessed teens its a good idea to make fun of them. Ofcourse the music is never that complex. Still great, catchy, admirable vocals. Good ol' Glam rock.

Those that support or perform Glam Rock seem to be dropping like flies. Dave Leppard, the left arm of Rick Allen, Alan Spenner. Then again everyone dies. Its just after a matter of time. If I had the time or the additional musicians i'd do my best to bring back Nineteen Eighties Glam Rock.

I love life.

Thanks for Reading

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