Friday, June 12, 2009

What Makes them so Delicious?

Maybe its the Diabetes? For those that know me may also know that I adore Peach Rings! Crazy as it may be because they are probably quite quite deadly. Killing me as we speak or more so I type, but delicious they are indeed. Which prompts me to look at all of the other horrible yet delicious Food stuffs we shamelessly cram down our gullets.

In-N-Out Burger, delicious staple of the fast food society. Harmless? I think not. Here is a restaurant that serves such dreadful concoctions as the 100 by 100. Thats a Double Double, times fifty. Again, Harmless? I think not. Of Course, after 2008 they passed some form of movement to outlaw anything larger than a four by four. Not a moment too soon, though the American fuck-head in me wishes I had the chance to gorge myself on such a thing. Only to gorge myself later that night. But I think its better this way.

So I hope you think twice next time you dive into an Animal Style Four by Four. With you milk shake or big gulp soda. Meanwhile lets go to McDonalds and ask for extra cancer on everything.

Note to self: Do not write entries while hungry.

Thanks for Reading

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