Saturday, June 13, 2009

WARNING!: Some Terms may be charitable when read.

So, I was reading earlier today that some musicians have been taking Performance enhancing drugs. Of course, My initial thought was "Theirs a drug that helps you be a better musician?". Several like Timbaland, 50 Cent, Trent Reznor, even Mary J. Blige. All of these Celebrities taking steroids, do we really need another Carrot Top?

Now all we have to do is wait. If we're lucky maybe 50 Cent will go all Robert Paulsen on us, or Mary J. Blige will grow some male genitalia. Oh the fun we'll have!

In other news, HANG ON TO YOUR CHILDHOODS! Ive just received word taht Six Flags, yes the theme park, is filing for Bankruptcy! Luckily that means that the parks and the like will still be intact for future generations to enjoy But, for how long? Who knows, perhas once the generate the 1.8 Billion in debt they will simply count their losses and close up.

Perhaps it can do the fusion dance with Disney Land and equally distribute the massive and sickening ammount of wealth that Walt Disneys ghost has ecumulated.

Thanks for Reading

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