Thursday, June 11, 2009

What a Man

So, I dont even know if I need to tell anyone anything about this, BUT I am whole-heartedly against any form of racism. Especially an organized form of such. Meaning Fascism and Nazism. So Youd expect me to be outraged hearing of Elderly James Von Brunn shooting up a Holocaut Memorial in Washington. Wrong! While I do not agree with this 88 year old man, I respect him. I mean, this is WASHINGTON! Very close to the White House and by extension President Obama.

So, we're looking at an OLD OLD OLD man, with a rifle who takes matters as well as his beliefs into his own hands. So he can try to accomplish...something I guess. White Supremacist and rumored Nazi he has called America a "Third-World racial garbage-dump - stupid, ignorant, dead-broke, and terminal". So I have to say: WHAT A Man!

Once again I do not agree with his beliefs or even his actions. Though it certainly took guts. I'm not a hundred percent what physical shape this guy is in. So, i think a James Von Brunn vs. Charles Manson fantasy fight is in order.

In other news, My family and I had a planned excursion to Midway Antiques. This place is sprawling and stuffed with goods. Vintage clothing, the works right?

One booth is filled with Vintage Coca Cola wares. Where I purchased an ancient and gaudy Authentic Coca Cola belt buckle. I'm very excited since my Adicts buckle broke. They don't make 'em like this anymore. So It should last me for quite a while.

I Hope you pass on the Good word of Skunk Deville and send this Blog to all of your friends.

Thanks for Reading

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