Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One small...What is it Skunks do? Crawl?

Moments ago, I was attempting to type the title to this new fangled blog. So I decided to use that cliche about "One small Step for Man" But, I quickly realized that Skunks don't necessarily Step. Do they crawl? Hover? What? I'm asking!

Oh well. Anywho, My Name is Skunk Deville. I'm one of those damn teenagers. I also have a variety of interests that you will soon find out about. That is the purpose of this blog actually. To assault you and all others that read with my interests and opinions. So I'm gonna do the typical thing and write about once a day.

One problem or thought that continues to arise is: "Don't you need to produce something of value to blog?" NO! At least that's what I'm telling myself in order to Bombard you with stuff.

Whats in the news? I hear they are resurrecting Older film franchises like Ghostbusters and Toy Story. How do we all think that'll turn out?

Probably not bad. I hear that the original casts and the like will return. About as original as Toy Story can manage with the death of Jim Varney and the guy that did Weezey. Ya know, That Penguin in the second movie. Then again not many watched or liked The Second Movie. That female Woody just gave us all something to pick at.

But, I digress. Do you think thats enough for today? Possibly. If I get bored I'll double post. Faux pas? I think not!

Thanks for Reading.

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