Sunday, June 21, 2009

Super Hollywood Acolytes Unite!!

I had this idea while watching one of my favorite television shows ever, The Venture Brothers. This show combines a bunch of fun elements. Direct Satire, loads of Pop Culture and lovable characters. All of this is combined to mock but, at the same time celebrate, Comic books, Hannah Barbera superheroes, and everyday life. As well as everything in between. When watching the Episode "Now Museum, Now You don't" which is possibly one of my favorite episodes of all time. I noticed the All-Star cast of ever changing and classic members of Dr. Ventures team of semi powered allies. Most of them reminded me of or were direct references to celebrities from days past.

So, being an avid comic book fan. As well as a pseudo artist. I decided that I would also strive to create a team of superheroes revisting the glory days of Hannah Barbera and whatnot while referencing the dark world of celebrities. "This should be fun" I thought to myself when coming up with this scheme. "but, who ever will I use for this project?" This problem will take several days at least to rsesolve. Several Candidiates have been kicked around. Some of them including Andre the Giant, Mr. T, James Dean, and Marilyn Monroe.

Go ahead and try to tell me the idea of Andre the Giant smashing in do-badders doesnt send shivers up and down and all around your spine.

By the way, this blog has kinda been turned into whenever I think about it or Remember.

So keep on your toes.

Thanks for reading

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wow, my bad, sir(s)

Through a Combination of Pizza, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Soul Calibur 3. I have not been keeping up to date with my incessant rantings and pointless yapping of my opinions. But, I'm happy to say that it has come to an end. I'm here to post at the very least this blog and hopefully several others to catch up with the whole not posting thing.

All I have to do is think of a topic......hmmmm....Any moment now.....

(about Eight Hours later)
I GOT IT! What ever happened to GlamRock? The dolled up pretty white kids in thrashed clothing. Barely able to play the instruments they bought from a pawn shop or were given by a friend. They certainly wouldn't buy them themselves. Money was strictly saved for Clothing, Booze and normally if not exclusively, illegal drugs.

Don't get me wrong, I adore Glam Rock. I simply miss the simplistic and angsty views of the Glam Band. Wearing Makeup and clothes that are always associated with being a 'rockstar' or possibly just going in Drag. Yep those were good times.

Now we just have Buckcherry, Crashdiet, Motley Crue. Maybe a few others I havent really looked to see if like Poison and Great White are still playing. They never seem to get a whole lot of respect.

My thoughts as to why this is, are that the world is fashion obsessed as well as hypocritical. So, when they see a bunch of fashion obsessed teens its a good idea to make fun of them. Ofcourse the music is never that complex. Still great, catchy, admirable vocals. Good ol' Glam rock.

Those that support or perform Glam Rock seem to be dropping like flies. Dave Leppard, the left arm of Rick Allen, Alan Spenner. Then again everyone dies. Its just after a matter of time. If I had the time or the additional musicians i'd do my best to bring back Nineteen Eighties Glam Rock.

I love life.

Thanks for Reading

Saturday, June 13, 2009

WARNING!: Some Terms may be charitable when read.

So, I was reading earlier today that some musicians have been taking Performance enhancing drugs. Of course, My initial thought was "Theirs a drug that helps you be a better musician?". Several like Timbaland, 50 Cent, Trent Reznor, even Mary J. Blige. All of these Celebrities taking steroids, do we really need another Carrot Top?

Now all we have to do is wait. If we're lucky maybe 50 Cent will go all Robert Paulsen on us, or Mary J. Blige will grow some male genitalia. Oh the fun we'll have!

In other news, HANG ON TO YOUR CHILDHOODS! Ive just received word taht Six Flags, yes the theme park, is filing for Bankruptcy! Luckily that means that the parks and the like will still be intact for future generations to enjoy But, for how long? Who knows, perhas once the generate the 1.8 Billion in debt they will simply count their losses and close up.

Perhaps it can do the fusion dance with Disney Land and equally distribute the massive and sickening ammount of wealth that Walt Disneys ghost has ecumulated.

Thanks for Reading

Friday, June 12, 2009

What Makes them so Delicious?

Maybe its the Diabetes? For those that know me may also know that I adore Peach Rings! Crazy as it may be because they are probably quite quite deadly. Killing me as we speak or more so I type, but delicious they are indeed. Which prompts me to look at all of the other horrible yet delicious Food stuffs we shamelessly cram down our gullets.

In-N-Out Burger, delicious staple of the fast food society. Harmless? I think not. Here is a restaurant that serves such dreadful concoctions as the 100 by 100. Thats a Double Double, times fifty. Again, Harmless? I think not. Of Course, after 2008 they passed some form of movement to outlaw anything larger than a four by four. Not a moment too soon, though the American fuck-head in me wishes I had the chance to gorge myself on such a thing. Only to gorge myself later that night. But I think its better this way.

So I hope you think twice next time you dive into an Animal Style Four by Four. With you milk shake or big gulp soda. Meanwhile lets go to McDonalds and ask for extra cancer on everything.

Note to self: Do not write entries while hungry.

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When will the next Generation rescue me from PS2?

I received my venerable Play Station 2 back when it was cool to have such a system. I believe it was my twelfth or thirteenth birthday. So that was a good four or five years ago. To this day I spend my days playing Soul Calibur III. I don't care who you are, its good clean fun. I Rock the Iron Sword Discipline because I'm sure you were dying to know.

I'm a self proclaimed god of Soul Calibur. Even without any kind of prep. I started playing Soul Calibur IV and immediately Decimated the games owner, my good friend Dereiyck. I believe the end Result was 40-10 in my favor. Good thing he didn't cry.

In other news: Should we be bored with Will Ferrell? NO! Though his antics are a tad moldy and a lot of his characters are the same he was still more than capable of dazzling us as the Host for the Season Finale of Saturday Night Live. As well as as the star of Land of the Lost.

Your heard it here folks, Hater of all Things popular has just endorsed the worlds most household name of a Comedian/Actor: Will Ferrell!

Thanks for Reading

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What a Man

So, I dont even know if I need to tell anyone anything about this, BUT I am whole-heartedly against any form of racism. Especially an organized form of such. Meaning Fascism and Nazism. So Youd expect me to be outraged hearing of Elderly James Von Brunn shooting up a Holocaut Memorial in Washington. Wrong! While I do not agree with this 88 year old man, I respect him. I mean, this is WASHINGTON! Very close to the White House and by extension President Obama.

So, we're looking at an OLD OLD OLD man, with a rifle who takes matters as well as his beliefs into his own hands. So he can try to accomplish...something I guess. White Supremacist and rumored Nazi he has called America a "Third-World racial garbage-dump - stupid, ignorant, dead-broke, and terminal". So I have to say: WHAT A Man!

Once again I do not agree with his beliefs or even his actions. Though it certainly took guts. I'm not a hundred percent what physical shape this guy is in. So, i think a James Von Brunn vs. Charles Manson fantasy fight is in order.

In other news, My family and I had a planned excursion to Midway Antiques. This place is sprawling and stuffed with goods. Vintage clothing, the works right?

One booth is filled with Vintage Coca Cola wares. Where I purchased an ancient and gaudy Authentic Coca Cola belt buckle. I'm very excited since my Adicts buckle broke. They don't make 'em like this anymore. So It should last me for quite a while.

I Hope you pass on the Good word of Skunk Deville and send this Blog to all of your friends.

Thanks for Reading

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One small...What is it Skunks do? Crawl?

Moments ago, I was attempting to type the title to this new fangled blog. So I decided to use that cliche about "One small Step for Man" But, I quickly realized that Skunks don't necessarily Step. Do they crawl? Hover? What? I'm asking!

Oh well. Anywho, My Name is Skunk Deville. I'm one of those damn teenagers. I also have a variety of interests that you will soon find out about. That is the purpose of this blog actually. To assault you and all others that read with my interests and opinions. So I'm gonna do the typical thing and write about once a day.

One problem or thought that continues to arise is: "Don't you need to produce something of value to blog?" NO! At least that's what I'm telling myself in order to Bombard you with stuff.

Whats in the news? I hear they are resurrecting Older film franchises like Ghostbusters and Toy Story. How do we all think that'll turn out?

Probably not bad. I hear that the original casts and the like will return. About as original as Toy Story can manage with the death of Jim Varney and the guy that did Weezey. Ya know, That Penguin in the second movie. Then again not many watched or liked The Second Movie. That female Woody just gave us all something to pick at.

But, I digress. Do you think thats enough for today? Possibly. If I get bored I'll double post. Faux pas? I think not!

Thanks for Reading.